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Shining through the Chaos: Resiliency and Greatness!

There is no avoiding the havoc that crises create in our lives, businesses, and the world. Whether it be hurricanes, droughts, or forest fires, they tug on our hearts, threaten our safety and well-being—and sometimes level our way of life. These unexpected events often challenge us in ways we've never known before.

Life is unpredictable. We may not be able to control circumstances, but one thing difficult times teach us is our need for resiliency! 

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Brain Fitness, Mindfulness and Perspective, Emotional Intelligence

Why Everyone Needs Empathy and Self-Compassion—Especially Now!

Without exception and across the globe, people’s lives have been changed by the pandemic and the continuing rebound of families and businesses. And everyone is navigating the dramatic increase in the digital world. Just try to keep teens off of their smartphones! Regardless of the challenge, there is one emotional intelligence skill that can make a difference in all relationships—empathy!

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Emotional Intelligence, How to Build Empathy

Practicing Gratitude in a Time of Uncertainty and Unrest

In times of uncertainty, we can grasp at straws and seek to chase the illusion of control but the truth is, it's impossible. Change is the only constant. However, there are things that we can control in these times of uncertainty and increased anxiousness.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Posted in Brain Fitness, Mindfulness and Perspective, Emotional Intelligence

Why People Pleasers Desperately Need Healthy Boundaries

People-pleasing is a way of life for many. Yet, a happy life depends on healthy boundaries and being true to ourselves. One of the greatest skills anyone can learn is how to set healthy boundaries but for a people pleaser, the thought of setting a boundary can be scary and feel threatening.

A few months ago, a new client told me that she had a bad habit of saying “yes” when she really wanted to say “no.” At the end of the day, she felt exhausted and resentful because there was never any energy or time left over for what was important to her. Even when she was maxed to the hilt, she'd take on [...]

Posted in Emotional Intelligence

How to Not Be a People Pleaser and Stop Seeking Approval

People pleasing is a habit for many; it was a way of life for me. Then one evening, I was brainstorming topics for a school paper with my daughter. It's enjoyable generating ideas; I love collaborative ventures. However, she quickly torpedoed my ideas for one reason or another. After a while, I started feeling disheartened and said to her, “If all my suggestions get rejected, what’s the point of me giving ideas?” What she said next turned my world inside out.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Posted in Brain Fitness, Mindfulness and Perspective, Emotional Intelligence

The 3 Types of Empathy Explained: Part III, Compassionate Empathy

The adage, “think with your head, not with your heart,” would make you think that emotional empathy (Part I of this series) and cognitive empathy (Part II of this series) cannot coexist. Luckily, that’s not true! When the heart and mind meet in the middle, the third type of empathy comes alive—Compassionate Empathy.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Posted in Emotional Intelligence, How to Build Empathy

The 3 Types of Empathy Explained: Part II, Cognitive Empathy

Welcome to the second part of the in-depth series on the types of empathy. In Part 1, you learned about Emotional Empathy. Now, it’s time to explore Cognitive Empathy. In the next blog, we’ll cover Compassionate Empathy.

To begin, think about all the people in your life. Is there someone you turn to when you need a solution to a problem? Someone who can cut through your emotional mess and help you formulate a plan of action? These go-to problem-solvers often rely on cognitive empathy to make sense of other people’s struggles. 

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Posted in Emotional Intelligence, How to Build Empathy

The 3 Types of Empathy Explained: Part I, Emotional Empathy

“Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another and feeling with the heart of another.” ~Alfred Alder

You may have heard Alder’s description of empathy before, but did you know there are three types of empathy? That’s right! There’s Emotional Empathy, Compassionate Empathy, and Cognitive Empathy, and each one has its uses. This series of posts will explore each type of empathy in depth so you can better recognize and utilize them. Let’s begin with Emotional Empathy.

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Posted in Emotional Intelligence, How to Build Empathy

Mini-Habits to Support Your Growth and Success

Years ago, I attended an out-of-state business training and was chosen to be a part of an interactive exercise that the facilitator conducted. The exercise required us to take steps along a tightrope, maintaining balance while also ensuring that our team members before and after us were safe and secure. It was a difficult task. The experience gave me practice firsthand in balancing while simultaneously striving to accomplish a distant goal. 

What echoes in my mind from that day is the frustrated colleague directly behind me who barked, “Just take small, manageable steps!”

Estimated reading [...]

Posted in Emotional Intelligence

Empathy and the Empathetic Apology: The New, Improved I'm Sorry.

Apologies are essential in our relationships. No matter how they are given, whether through an apology letter or in person, apologies recognize that hurt has happened due to the actions of another. Without that recognition, bitterness and resentment can build.

When given freely and sincerely, apologies hold the power to be precious. They say, “I have screwed up and have hurt you.” Are we able to mend and move forward in our relationship in spite of the screw-up? Will the experience result in greater distance or more closeness and understanding?

Posted in Emotional Intelligence

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