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Elevate Employee Engagement and  Performance in 2025 by Empathy in the Workplace

Most people don’t associate profit and employee performance with soft skills like empathy. We’re trained to push and challenge ourselves—so who needs understanding? Research says otherwise!

Empathy plays a crucial role in boosting employee engagement and, in turn, influencing key business outcomes like profitability and retention. This powerful tool isn't just a fleeting trend but a multifaceted practice that requires ongoing commitment and understanding.

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Posted in Business and Leadership

Boost Employee Mental Health and Well-Being with Workplace Recognition

Employees’ well-being isn’t just nice; it’s the foundation of all successful companies. How great is it to receive validation for work well done? When employees feel their efforts are noticed, employee morale increases and a supportive culture is cemented.

How can you ensure that recognition is part of your workplace culture?

Estimated reading: 4 minutes

Posted in Business and Leadership

Increase Your EQ! Best Books and Podcasts on Emotional Intelligence

If your schedule allows—and your bookshelves have extra space—reading books or listening to popular podcasts is most likely on your radar!

While a suspenseful mystery or riveting romance might be a perfect distraction at the end of a stressful day, how ‘bout flexing those emotional fitness muscles instead? Learning emotional intelligence will make your life and relationships sweeter AND reduce stress!

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Business and Leadership, Emotional Intelligence

Keys to Success and Success Principles Pressed into Sushi Rolls

Often, I am in Billings conducting leadership and emotional intelligence trainings. And one popular restaurant I greatly enjoy is NaRa Sushi. You either love sushi or you don’t. I happen to love it, even though I was born and raised in the Midwest. Go figure.

At one particular dinner with friends, I rounded off a flawless day with a delicious dinner at NaRa. It was so much fun watching Dae Shin, the Korean chef, make sushi rolls. But what filled me more were the lessons of success that were so evident and are crucial to business!Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Posted in Business and Leadership

5 Ways to Show Empathy in Customer Service

Empathy is a popular trend, but is it worth investing in as a company training?

I’ve worked with companies for twenty-five years teaching emotional intelligence, and empathy is the number one missing EQ skill. Its lack is detrimental to customer service results and without it, damages a company culture.

Empathy stands head over heels over any other training because of its transformative abilities. Not only does it enhance a business culture, but empathy cultivates remarkable unity in teams and makes supporting a company’s customer base effortless.

Estimated reading: 7 minutes

Posted in Business and Leadership

What Are the Top 5 Qualities of an Empathetic Leader?

Congrats if you’re seeking to be an empathetic leader. Let’s be clear, though: it doesn’t mean you’re soft or that you sit around all day hearing about employees' problems and empathizing with every complaint.

Being an empathetic leader changes from moment to moment depending on the situation, people involved, and what is in the best interest of the relationship, team, and company. To be an empathetic leader means being attuned to yourself and others and in sync with what is needed most.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes 

Posted in Business and Leadership

Build Flexibility and Resilience in Leadership: How to Lead with Emotional Intelligence

In today’s fast-paced business world, leaders who can quickly adapt to change and bounce back from setbacks are more valuable than ever. But what allows good leaders to be flexible and welcome change without showing signs of resistance?

The answer lies in developing emotional intelligence and building resiliency muscles.

Estimated reading time: 4.5 minutes

Posted in Business and Leadership

5 Frustrating Reasons a Lack of Leadership Prevents Effective Teamwork

Many people don’t recognize that a lack of leadership is like absentee parenting. Employees have little guidance so they often feel lost. Many times, the disconnect and absence of leadership create high turnover and loss of talent. Employee engagement and high performance are the direct benefits of emotionally intelligent leaders who stay connected with the pulse of a company through regular contact with their employees.

So if you think a lack of presence is acceptable, think again. Every leader needs key EQ skills to lead successfully.Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Posted in Business and Leadership

Emotional Intelligence in Nursing: Case Studies Show Its Key to Exceptional Care

In healthcare, a nurse's technical skills are vital, but there's another critical tool that can make or break patient outcomes—emotional intelligence.

At the frontline of patient care, nurses navigate a complex landscape of human emotions. I specialize in emotional intelligence and even I was surprised by the enormous amount of growing research backing EQ benefits and advantages.

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

Posted in Business and Leadership, Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

Mastering Nonverbal Communication: A Key Skill for Effective Leadership

In today's competitive market, companies must stand out to be successful. And leaders need to lead effectively to aspire purpose, right action, and retain their talent. With the dramatic rise of virtual meetings and digital interactions, the importance of personal connections is often overlooked—even forgotten.

However, one kind of communication that plays a crucial role in our interactions in the workplace is nonverbal communication. It's a silent language packed with valuable intel. Every great leader has fine-tuned their communication style with empathy and mastered nonverbal cues!


Posted in Business and Leadership

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Online Course - Emotional Fitness for the 21st Century 4 Keys to Unlocking the Power of Empathy