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Jennifer A. Williams / Heartmanity for Business

Jennifer A. Williams / Heartmanity for Business

Jennifer, the Heartmanity Founder, is an Executive Coach and Relationship Strategist. Her decades of expertise in training leaders and teams give her amazing insights. Jennifer's primary focuses are authentic leadership, effective communication, and emotional intelligence in the workplace. Jennifer teaches a holistic approach, specializing in transforming unproductive behaviors into emotionally intelligent actions, which creates thriving work relationships and catapults a company to success.

Recent Posts:

Essential Cornerstones of Cultural Transformation in Business

When a business needs a culture overhaul, you know it. Profits and employee retention fall, while client complaints climb—there’s a constant sense of dissatisfaction and conflict. On the flip side, when a company’s culture is built with intention, consistency, and dedication, the company’s reputation is enhanced, and the benefits are bountiful.

Consider, for a moment, the example of Southwest Airlines where culture has been a top priority from early on. Sure, they have competitive rates, but more than that, their leaders have sought to value their employees. Employees in turn work to ensure a [...]

Posted in Business and Leadership

Why Is Communication Important in the Workplace?

Do you find yourself having to repeat a little too often in the workplace, “Remember, we discussed that in our meeting on Monday”? Or someone’s memory of an interaction is totally different from yours. If so, poor communication could be the culprit.

Effective communication is a two-way street, not a cul-de-sac. It’s about connecting. Talking with someone is different from talking at someone or quick instructions as you fly out the door for a meeting. Many people, especially executives, feel they communicate clearly but then get frustrated by having to repeat themselves or not achieving the [...]

Posted in Business and Leadership, Communication & Interpersonal Skills

Useful Lessons in Leadership from the Popular Game of Thrones

If you study characters and glean lessons from TV series like me, you might have extracted some important leadership lessons from HBO’s Game of Thrones. Emotional intelligence requires more than retaliation, but sometimes we learn from what not to do and the consequences of impulsive decisions, too.

So, what can we learn about leadership from this series? There are some vital lessons about what it means to be a leader and the importance of emotional intelligence.

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Posted in Business and Leadership

The Business Strategy of Saying “No”

One of the greatest business challenges is knowing when NOT to follow an idea. A mistake many business owners make—even large companies—is trying to do too much at once or having unrealistic expectations of how long projects take or how much they cost.

When was the last time, as a business owner or executive, you could complete an initiative without its share of challenges? And how many projects are over budget or never get finished?

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Posted in Business and Leadership

Why Emotional Intelligence Is Crucial in Business Today

Whether you consider yourself an entrepreneur or mompreneur, a business owner, or a CEO, there are few things more valuable in business than emotional intelligence.

What might come to mind are emotions and empathy but what many people often don't realize is that emotional intelligence (or EQ) includes scores of competencies: problem-solving, conflict resolution, forecast thinking, resiliency, visionary leadership, prioritizing, and the ability to respond instead of reacting, to name only a few. Find out why emotional intelligence is important.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Posted in Business and Leadership

Why Companies Fail without Leaders with Emotional Intelligence

Leadership requires much more than business smarts. Poor decision-making, breakdowns in communication, knee-jerk reactions to employees, taking credit for another's work or a lack of engagement are a few examples that can be problematic. These behaviors can act as a disease in business and undo even the most prominent companies. And what do these behaviors represent? Low emotional intelligence!

What is becoming more and more corroborated is that a leader's success depends not on a business degree but much more heavily on emotional intelligence: their ability to get along with people, and to [...]

Posted in Business and Leadership, Emotional Intelligence

How to Cultivate Healthy Collaboration and Team

Nothing is more exciting and empowering than working on a project or playing on a dynamic team—until it’s not.

Collaboration and teamwork can be unpredictable—even fragile—and an energetic brainstorming can go completely awry by a subtle putdown. A co-worker makes a critical comment about a blog posted on the company newsletter. Someone makes a disparaging remark about another person's work. Most everyone has experienced something like this, right?Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Business and Leadership, Communication & Interpersonal Skills

Emotional Intelligence and Empathy in Leadership

"Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a powerful tool critical for exceeding goals, improving critical work relationships, and creating a healthy, productive workplace and organizational culture." says Brent Gleeson in his article, 5 Aspects of Emotional Intelligence Required for Effective Leadership.

The very essence of leadership is to lead oneself effectively, which then influences others in a positive and inspiring way. However, if we lack self-awareness or the ability to understand the results we want, it's hard to lead competently. Unfortunately, many leaders coast, rather than intentionally [...]

Posted in Business and Leadership

Successful Time Management for Mom Entrepreneurs

In the past fifty years, mothers’ working hours have shifted dramatically. While in 1965, mothers spent twice as much time doing housework as childcare and career work combined, by 2010 career work became the most time-intensive task. (Fathers’ time use, on the other hand, has changed little.)

Imagine a three-way tug-of-war with the mother in the middle and three different ropes pulling her in three different directions. Balancing work, home, and family becomes an intricate juggling act. Yet, a mompreneur's purpose is fueled with passion.

Posted in Business and Leadership

Leadership in Business:  Struggle or Ease?

Recently I was trying to replace the batteries in my wireless mouse and couldn’t get the cover offagain. I had struggled with this same task previously (trying paper clips, pens, X-ACTO knives, scissors, brute force, etc.), but this time it was different. I stopped trying to fight it and sat back, relaxing the frustration.

“Certainly,” I said to myself, “a massively successful company such as Apple would not make replacing batteries in a mouse for a Mac difficult. Everything Steve Jobs designed was about elegance.” That shifted my focus. If taking this cover off is super easy, what is the [...]

Posted in Business and Leadership

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