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Don't Be the Latest Statistic!  5 Keys for a Healthy Relationship

Contrary to what you might feel, it’s not too late to save your relationship!

If you're struggling in your relationship, it might be too big of a stretch to remember that honeymoon feeling. Those blissful feelings are often mowed over by conflicts, complaining, and disagreements. Many couples don’t understand why the strife continues and often feel helpless to stop the vicious cycle. So, unfortunately, they keep digging the hole deeper, having the same arguments over and over.

Some wonder, “Have I fallen out of love?” or "Why am I failing at love?" Others wonder if they're the only ones with [...]

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

Top Challenges in Relationships and How to Keep the Love Alive!

It's been said that relationships are the hardest yoga. I agree that relationships take the same focus, effort, and flexibility.

In marriage and other romantic relationships, as in yoga, we salute the sun each day, seeking to honor the best in ourselves, our partner, and our lives together. We bend by adapting to life's unexpected curveballs; we twist when we wrestle with conflict; and we stretch by striving to love our partner even when it's not always easy. And when we seek poise between autonomy and intimacy, it can be as challenging as a one-armed side plank.

Estimated reading time: 4.5 [...]

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

The Power of Love: How to Nurture Your Marriage through Effective Communication

When it comes to marriage and keeping love alive, communication is key. Most couples would agree that for communication to be effective with your partner, it is best to come from a place of love. However, that may sound easier said than done, especially if you and your partner argue constantly! So, what is fair play in arguments? It's unrealistic to think that we will never have disagreements in marriage. But is there a line you should not cross?

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

True Motives for Sorry, I Didn't Mean It!

If you're around children—or even adults—for any length of time, you will eventually hear "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it" or "I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention to hurt you." And then the child or person goes along their merry way like nothing ever happened.But if we didn't mean it, why did we do it? Why do we so easily dismiss our behavior with a casual comment?

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships, Communication & Interpersonal Skills

Spark More Love in Your Marriage: Be Intentional with 3 Simple Actions

Maintaining a healthy marriage requires continual investment. And most couples experience challenges they must face in marriage and love. But when done intentionally, navigating them together can also be among the most rewarding. It’s completely natural for couples to experience ups and downs, yet it takes daily loving acts to keep our relationship thriving. And when it gets to the point of make-or-break, something needs to change.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

Relationship Tips: How to Handle Differences for a Successful Relationship

In a Wall Street Journal article, columnist Elizabeth Bernstein writes about the challenge of marriage between an ardent planner and a partner who prefers to be spontaneous. Perhaps you’ve known people in a marriage like that—or maybe you’re one of them. In my work with couples, I have heard many a planner name-call their spouse passive-aggressive, or the spontaneous one refer to their spouse as a control freak. Regardless of what differences, marriage conflict is inevitable!

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

Conflict in Relationships: Why Does It Have to Be So Hard?

When I coach couples, something that I hear a lot is how hard conflict is. They wonder why their relationship or marriage isn't easier or more fun. Or they ask if they are just falling out of love.

Do you find yourself in small rifts with your partner every day or big, blowout fights regularly? You're not alone. Couples struggle with conflict in relationships and recurring arguments are more common than you might think.

What can you do when your love relationship meant to replenish and support you, exhausts and depletes you instead?

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

Can a Long Distance Relationships Work? Ways to Overcome the Obstacles Successfully

Long-distance relationships can be challenging and frustrating at times. They take a lot of effort to maintain genuine connections, especially with the hurdles being apart brings. However, making the relationship work is possible if both you and your partner are willing to work at it and let go of expectations.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

Sweeten Your Relationship! Find Out What Your Love Language Says About You

Whether you are married or in a committed relationship, you probably want to show your partner how much you love them. But sometimes, we feel like our gestures of love or affection are unappreciated or misunderstood. You just might be speaking a different “love language” than your partner.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

Why Keeping Score in a Relationship Isn't Helpful or Healthy

“Relationships are about give-and-take.” You've probably heard this saying before; it's one of the most common relationship pieces of advice. But is it true? Well, that's a more complicated question requiring a longer answer. While it is true that relationships are about a natural flow between two people of giving and receiving, some people interpret this factor to mean that relationships should be fifty-fifty. And since that's rarely the reality, one person starts keeping score in an attempt to match up.

This article will dive deeper into this phenomenon and explain precisely why keeping [...]

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

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