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Create a Successful Marriage: Don't Compromise!

Last week I saw an advertisement that said: "Compromise is for marriage, but never for wine!" It made me think about how in our culture, we accept that relationships require compromise. In one article I read, the author said, "Compromise—no matter how difficult—is a necessary part of any successful, enduring marriage."

The idea was that once we say "for better or for worse," we need to get used to making concessions to the other person when settling our conflicts. So what if afterward, we're resentful, discouraged, disappointed, frustrated, and disillusioned? Get over it—compromise is just part of the deal! Or is it?

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Compromise in relationship isn't necessary.I emphatically disagree. Not only is compromise NOT a recipe for success in relationships, but compromise is exactly why so many marriages fail.
It's true that we are all very different and that conflict often occurs because of these differences. That's not going to change—we will always be unique. However, honoring differences and learning to explore what's important to each other is part of what makes a relationship so rich, exciting, and surprising—and that's what makes compromise so unappealing.

Why Compromise Doesn't Work in Relationships

If we come to the bargaining table expecting to compromise in relationships, we'll almost always walk away a loser.

That's because when we expect to compromise, we rarely use our imagination or go after what makes us happiest in the relationship. Nor do we ever reach a real understanding of each other and unearth what our partner truly values or what is underneath a need, feeling, desire, or goal.

If we assume that we already know what our partner wants or that they know what we want, communication is already muddied.

Or if we go into negotiations with the notion that a particular goal is more important to our partner than it actually is or that they will throw a hissy-fit if we don't go along, we may not bring 100% to the negotiations.

I've worked with scores of couples over the past couple of decades, and trying to "keep the peace" is a silent compromise but often a tremendous loss, too. It is a perfect storm for people pleasers who damage a relationship by agreeing even when they adamantly disagree or want something completely different.

If we already believe relationships are just about keeping the peace or that there is no way for both of us to be happy, then compromise will be a part of our lives—because what we believe is what we create.

We tend to resign ourselves to compromise in marriage or relationships—not because it's necessary or effective but because we've been conditioned to believe that it's necessary or helpful.

Compromise is a myth and unnecessary.

Compromising is a lazy way of interacting.

We've learned to meet our needs indirectly and to trade our own happiness for another's happiness. Instead of going to bat for a dynamic solution that far exceeds what we can possibly imagine individually, we've learned to compromise. But when we give up ourselves for another's wishes, it backfires every time.

Why would anyone want to be in a relationship or marriage when they have to give up their dreams, desires, and happiness?

In a Time article titled "Recipe for a Happy Marriage: the Seven Scientific Secrets," Eric Barker cites research showing that married couples should maintain a 5:1 ratio of positive to negative interactions. When both partners in a relationship make happiness their own responsibility and commit to listening to each other's needs and desires, this ratio is achievable.

However, if you expect your partner to make you happy or if you don't support your partner's fulfillment, this ratio will get off balance. So remember, for every snarky comment, you'll need to counter it with five positives!

Wouldn't it be easier just to create a habit of loving, encouraging, and creating win-win solutions?

Why Is Compromise Equated with Mediocrity?

Compromise often is settling for less than what truly aligns with one's desires or standards. While negotiating and finding common ground are valuable skills, compromise sometimes leads to outcomes that do not feel genuine or even satisfactory.

When we compromise, by its very nature, it results in acceptances that dip below our desired standards, which can lead to mediocrity.

It's true that maintaining high standards isn't easy. It takes tremendous emotional labor to work together as a couple each day, to reach an original decision based on BOTH your standards and desires. But it's possible! And each time you seek to love each other uncompromisingly—unconditionally—you ensure that your relationship doesn't deplete individuality.

A successful marriage is greatness. Compromise is an impediment to reaching the profound depths of love and truly knowing each other.

Champion What Is Important to Each Other

Two strong individuals with healthy self-esteem create the most successful relationships. They can be dramatically different in every way, but these couples have a knack for championing what is important to each other. Instead of settling on a compromise that will disappoint them both, they look for ways for both of them to be happy—even thrilled.

Having a goal of creating an ideal outcome stimulates us to solve the problem in new ways. If we go a step further and choose to see unlimited possibilities, our creativity goes into overdrive; then, we find amazing solutions we didn't previously understand were possible.

Healthy relationships don't require compromise.

When we look for and commit to win-win solutions rather than settling for compromise, we discover some very creative ways to move from conflict to understanding, from competing to a synergy that creates novel solutions. This new attitude greatly enhances a relationship.

Compromise in marriage is unnecessary when we love ourselves enough to give voice to our needs and desires while also caring for our partner's happiness, too.

Take Compromise Out of Your Vocabulary!

There was a time in my marriage when we were raising three small children, and our budget was extremely tight. Due to financial constraints, we chose to go out only once a month. We were trying to plan for our next date (within a specified budget). My husband really wanted to go to a particular movie, but I wanted to go to a restaurant for a nice meal and not cook. If we had compromised, either we would have gone to his movie (and I would have had to cook dinner as usual—and been resentful) OR I would have had a nice dinner out (and he would have missed his movie—and possibly been resentful).

And would he have thoroughly enjoyed the movie, knowing I was unhappy? Probably not.

And could I have thoroughly enjoyed the gourmet meal, knowing he was disappointed? How would that compromise have helped us build a successful, enduring marriage?

It took a bit of talking, but we figured out a solution. Since I really only wanted a night off from cooking, my husband volunteered to grill my favorite meal; we spent some quality time with our children, and then we went to a later showing of the movie he wanted to see—not just a win-win but a win-win-win solution!
Happy family in the backyard grilling; no compromise!

When my husband and I talked more about this new way of seeing things, a whole new concept unfolded for us. We found that there is always a way to express our love and stay connected while creating a win for us both. A light bulb went off!

When our attention focused on creating more closeness and love in our relationship, a solution would reveal itself and allow us to shift more easily to generating a win-win solution. The more we practiced, the easier it became until compromise disappeared from our vocabulary and our decisions.

Below are some easy yet effective keys to creating win-win solutions and eliminating the need to compromise. Remember: neither partner goes along with an idea until you are both truly happy.

Related topic: "Love Is a Choice—the Best Marriage Advice!"

Marriage Tips to Create Win-Win Solutions

Marriage Tip #1: Calm yourself before communicating.Calm yourself to be able to truly listen to each other.

When we hit a bump in our communication, we can get stuck because of the way we perceive the other person's behavior. Sometimes our partner's behavior feels like an attack (because they are upset or angry), or we think that they don't care about what we want (when we encounter resistance and blocking).

Take some time to calm yourselves. Get in touch with your love for your partner. Then, once you've come back to your heart and feel your love for one another, revisit the subject from this calmer place.

A couple having a romantic vacation sitting on a large rock overlooking water and a sailboat.

Marriage Tip #2: Get curious!Get curious about what is driving the emotion behind a desire or need.

Being curious keeps you from making incorrect assumptions about your partner's motivation. (Trust me, after decades of marriage, I learned just how easy it is to "assume" what my husband was thinking and feeling. Don't!)

For instance, a couple I coached hit a roadblock about how to spend their next vacation. The wife wanted to visit her parents as usual, but her husband was adamant that he didn't want to visit them this year! The husband shared with me that this was a repetitive conflict since his wife was extremely close with her family. It was her go-to for every vacation.

I convinced him to express his true desire for travel, to be alone with her romantically, and to enjoy some adventures together before they had children. I also coached him to say upfront that he realized how much her family meant to her. Instead of getting defensive and upset, the wife felt heard and moved to curiosity.

Guess what?

She discovered something new and beautiful: her husband was trying to create something special for them as a couple, not keep her from her family!

They worked out a great resolution that they both felt elated about.

It is impossible to reach an outcome that makes both partners happy without understanding and truly listening.

Marriage Tip #3: Seek to understand.When a conflict arises, seek to understand.

Many times we assume we know what is important to each other, but we're often incorrect. When you have a conflict, get to the core of what is really important to each of you. If your partner talks about buying a jeep, it may not be the actual jeep he wants as much as the freedom and adventure the vehicle represents.

Or if your partner wants to buy a whole new set of living room furniture, she may yearn for the creativity and fun she misses from the interior design job she gave up when becoming a stay-at-home mom.

There may be other ways to get adventure or creativity needs met without spending thousands of dollars!

Seeking to understand requires us to calm ourselves, to "stop, drop, and roll" like we have all been taught as children in fire drills at school, but emotionally.

Ask open-ended questions that lead to meaningful dialogue—and happy resolutions.

Related reading: "How to Communicate to Create a Drama-Free Marriage."

Marriage tip #4: Move from thinking only of self to inclusive to both within the relationship.Move from me to we.

When we move from "me" (me-me-me!) to "we," we cultivate a new and extraordinary way of being together.

It's no longer about "self-ishness" that swings to compromise; it is about "we-ishness," where we create a daily experience that transcends a habitual way of interacting and becomes one of discovery. We see things from a growth mindset that keeps us alert to opportunities to ensure that each of us is thriving within the relationship.

This process requires commitment, transparency, and honesty. The big payoff is a relationship that keeps getting sweeter instead of souring on the vine.

Compromise may not be for wine, but it's not for marriage either!

Remove compromise from your vocabulary and start creating more fun. When a relationship moves from "me" to "we" in a loving and synergistic way, it forms a strong foundation of love and caring. It becomes a way of life!

The quality of our love life and relationship is up to us. Try these keys and discover a wonderful way of interacting that moves you from compromise to lasting happiness.


Frequently Asked QuestionsFrequently Asked Questions

Can a marriage survive without compromise?

Some would say no, but many see compromise as a necessary evil.

We are all very different people, so there will always be conflict. How we view and handle conflict determines whether a relationship survives or thrives.

Honoring one another's differences doesn't require compromise but rather greater understanding and practice of truly listening. Now, we're not talking about rigidity, getting your way all the time! Each partner bends while also deeply rooted in their own values and pursuing their own purpose and goals.

We may swing to our partner's preference on occasion because we love them, but to sacrifice ourselves compromises the whole. Part of loving is working together for what is best for the relationship while also advocating for ourselves as individuals.

For customized support to create a thriving relationship, check out Heartmanity's premarital and marriage coaching programs or reach out to us at support@heartmanity.com.

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Jennifer A. Williams / Heartmanity FounderJennifer A. Williams / Heartmanity Founder
Jennifer, as the Heartmanity Founder, has coached couples for over two decades. With her extensive experience and vast knowledge of emotional intelligence and brain science, Jennifer provides profound insights. She specializes in communication and teaches EQ skills needed to create healthy relationships. Jennifer is happily married and the mother of three grown children who are incredible human beings.

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

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