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Jennifer A. Williams / Emotional Intelligence Coach

Jennifer A. Williams / Emotional Intelligence Coach

Jennifer is the Heartmanity founder and an emotional intelligence expert. She has two decades of EQ experience and is the author of emotional intelligence training and courses. As an emotional fitness coach, Jennifer teaches EQ skills, brain science hacks, and a comprehensive approach that gets results. She is happily married and the mother of three incredible grown children.
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Recent Posts:

Get Motivated!  7 Ways to Overcome Procrastination

Let’s first get this out of the way—life in modern times is demanding, no matter where you are in your life and career. The escalating demands on our time and attention are astronomical, especially with so many forms of technology pulling on us.

If you thought that it was only you feeling frazzled, it’s not! All of us need to mindfully keep ourselves encouraged and learn to stay motivated in purposeful action, not just get busier. And procrastination is a real problem for many with the added challenge of chronic stress.

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Posted in Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

Empathy Is the Antidote for Apathy and Indifference

Whether it's a friend, spouse, or co-worker, the unknown of another's emotions can make us very uneasy even if we desire to support the person. Sometimes it's just easier to remain on our own island and ensure safety and predictability. Empathy bridges that gap.

Do you steer away from those "soft" feelings because they might take you places you are unprepared to go? Do others’ reactions and charged emotions make you uncomfortable? Are you concerned that you'll be sucked into an abyss of someone else's pain?

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

How Emotional Resilience Can Help You Cultivate Happiness

For many, stress continues to build until a hair-trigger is released by an unexpected letdown. Changes in plans or inconveniences are met with impatience and emotional over-reactions. Sometimes another's negative mood or criticism can ruin entire days.

The antidote to this inner turmoil is emotional resilience, an element of emotional intelligence that allows one to adapt to and recover from stress and negativity more easily. The good news is that you can actively improve your emotional resilience and noticeably increase your happiness.

Posted in Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

Intentionality: Choose Intention, Not Tension

With all the daily ups and downs and the moment-by-moment challenges that arise in our lives, it's easy to forget that we have a say in how we feel. We have the ability to choose our response no matter what happens (and things do happen). It's called being intentional, and when setting intentions, we bring more joy into our life. We can begin to create the quality of our experience mindfully, even when it doesn’t feel like we have any choice. This is why mindfulness is so powerful.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Brain Fitness, Mindfulness and Perspective

Learn to Recognize and Allow Yourself to Feel Your Emotions

Getting in touch with one’s feelings is not that easy for most of us. We have been taught to suppress and hide certain feelings. For instance, when we are feeling down and blue, we are often told to put on a “brave face” and smile, even though we know we are hurting inside. Over time, it can become more difficult to express what we are truly feeling.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

How to Control and Release Anger Without Lashing Out

Do you ever lash out in anger? Are you surprised when anger bubbles up and lashes out at a loved one unexpectedly?Everyone gets angry sometimes—and some have an anger problem. Anger is often considered a “negative” or “bad” emotion, which we have been taught to suppress and push aside. After all, if we let anger get the best of us, our reactions can lead to negative consequences or hurt ourselves or others. However, to control anger, you must understand it and learn not just to control angry outbursts but to emotionally regulate emotions so you can restrain yourself and express them in [...]

Posted in Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

How to Understand and Overcome Jealousy

Jealousy is a misunderstood and harshly judged emotion. Who likes to admit to jealousy? And when was the last relationship you heard about that relished their husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend being jealous?

Jealousy can destroy relationships and eat away at us from the inside out. However, at one time or another, most people feel its sting.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

Do You Lack Self-Control and Emotional Intelligence?

When I was young, my brother stuffed a mouthful of firework poppers into his mouth and chewed them. Impulsive, indeed. His scorched tongue and singed gums were a reminder of his impulsive behavior for weeks.

Do you ever say or do something impulsive that hurts a relationship, and you regret later?

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Emotional Intelligence

Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

The term emotional intelligence (or EQ, Emotional Quotient) is thrown loosely around like confetti at a holiday parade. Yet, very few people understand why it's so critical. With emotional intelligence in big demand at the workplace, our expectations are even higher for business owners, managers, and leaders.

What many do not realize is that emotional intelligence develops in childhood (or not). The good news is that, unlike IQ, that doesn't change, EQ can be learned, but it requires knowledge, skills, and lots of practice.Estimate reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Business and Leadership, Emotional Intelligence

Using Boundaries and Empathy to Deal with People’s Anger Effectively

No one wants to be the target of another person’s anger. But almost everyone has been there. It’s an intense experience, whether the anger seems justified or not. Do you know how to diffuse an angry person?  Do you know what words calm an angry person?

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Posted in How to Build Empathy

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Online Course - Emotional Fitness for the 21st Century 4 Keys to Unlocking the Power of Empathy