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Are You Teaching and Modeling a Healthy Relationship with Money to Your Kids?

Einstein once said, “not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” Money is heavily pedestalled these days, and it’s essential to teach your kids a balance between financial literacy, social responsibility, and emotional intelligence (EQ) when exploring life lessons with money. The goal is to prepare your children to create a healthy, happy, and successful future while teaching them to be responsible, empathetic human beings.

Yet, it’s not always easy as a parent to keep long-term values in mind when faced with the demands of everyday life. So, [...]

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting, Parenting Favorites

Positive Parenting Solutions: How to Set Healthy Boundaries and Consequences for Teenage Rebellion

When or if your teenager starts to act out and rebel, it can be difficult to know what to do as a parent. You can feel like you're losing control of your teen when dealing with teenage rebellion and disrespect.

It’s true, teens sometimes engage in risky behaviors that terrify their parents, so your concern is justified. However, many parents overreact by immediately taking away their smartphones or grounding their teen “for a year!” These reactions can backfire by increasing oppositional behavior or creating ruptures in your relationship.

So, how do you best support and help your teenager [...]

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting, Parenting Favorites

Why We Think Teenage Rebellion Is Normal

Have you ever asked yourself as a parent, "What does a normal teenager act like?"

Teenage rebellion and defiance are common challenges that parents often navigate. On top of teenage push-back are social media and smartphones competing with the teen-parent connection. (Or shall I say "screen addiction"?) As a parent coach and parenting instructor, I get scores of S.O.S. calls from parents. Many parents are fearful and remark, "Where did my 'sweet child' go?!"Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting, Parenting Favorites

3 Hidden Parenting Mistakes that Promote People-Pleasing Behavior in Children

People-pleasing behavior is fraught with many emotional land mines: resentment, exhaustion, losing touch with our needs, seeking to be liked while giving up our desires and dreams, repressing emotions, and the impossible task of keeping everyone happy (to name just a few). Every parent I’ve worked with who identifies themselves as a people-pleaser asks, “What can I do to ensure that my child doesn’t become a people-pleaser like me?” I’ve never met any parent who aspires to raise compliant pleasers.

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting, Parenting Favorites

Am I a Bad Mom? Transform Parenting Burnout to Fun, Positive Parenting

Having taught parenting classes for over 20 years and coached scores of children, parents, and families for just as long, I’ve heard many stories from parents riddled with guilt and worry. Parenting is hard enough without feeling doubt and judging ourselves. The one question that is asked more times than you can imagine is “Am I a bad mom?” or “Am I a bad dad?”

There are many versions of this concern, and it isn’t reserved for any particular developmental stage or parental season. At one time or another, every parent questions whether they are up for the job! And when doubt creeps in, it [...]

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting, Parenting Favorites

Why Reactive Parents Increase the Risk of Greater Teenage Rebellion

Do you know the recipe for keeping your relationship with your preteen and teen strong and healthy? As a parent, are you aware of the critical responses needed to support and ensure vital teen brain development? Simple and crucial parental responses can make the difference.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting, Parenting Favorites

Stop! These 5 Things Will Destroy Responsibility in Children

"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today." ~Abraham Lincoln

All parents want to raise responsible, self-reliant children—but getting there doesn't happen overnight. It takes years of nurturing to prepare our kids for a life of independence. Not only do we need to actively teach our children responsibility, but we also need to model the behaviors we want to see. And it's also important to avoid making critical parenting mistakes that could undermine our goal of raising independent kids.

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting, Parenting Favorites

Teenage Rebellion Is a Cry for Connection and Love

One of the most challenging times in parenting is when your child hits the teenage years. Parenting teens is as much a rite of passage for you as it is for your teen. When things get tense, science shows that calmness is key to your teen's brain.

Learn about teenage brain development and parenting tips to keep you sane and the parent-child connection strong!

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting, Parenting Favorites

Are You Worried Your Children Don't Know How to Cope?

Many parents come to me because they’re concerned about their children’s coping skills. It’s clear that a lot of parents are at a loss for how to teach their children resilience. Let’s face it. Raising kids in today’s world is tough. Tech addictions, drugs, anxiety, depression, food disorders, and suicide are prevalent—is it any wonder that parents worry?

As a parent coach, what I repeatedly see are parents who don’t know how to feel and who don’t give themselves or their children permission to feel.

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting, Parenting Favorites

The Best Way to Deal with Teenage Rebellion

Parenting today's teens is challenging. Many parents even dread raising teenagers because they've often heard negative, even scary stories over the years from other parents. As a culture, we think we've got teenagers pegged—uncontrollable, disrespectful, and rebellious. The big question is: "Is adolescent rebellion avoidable?"

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting, Parenting Favorites

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