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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Emotional Mirroring for Others

Every day presents us with dozens of challenges to our inner peace and emotional well-being. At any moment, the unexpected can disrupt our lives. Some situations only tug at our hearts, while others can quickly trigger us to react in anger and upset. Whether we're faced with an irate boss, a tired and crabby spouse, or a whining child, our response determines the outcome of all communication. 

Estimated reading: 3 minutes

Posted in Brain Fitness, Mindfulness and Perspective, Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

Mindfulness Has No Sense of Hurry

While attending my son's football game, I observed an impatient mother. Before the game, we stopped and filled up at a local gas station. As I was waiting to use the restroom, a mother and her two young girls were coming out. The mother held the door wide open while waiting for her oldest daughter, who was meticulously washing her hands. She bombarded her with "Hurry! Hurry!" then turned to me and said: "Kids! They have no sense of hurry!”  

Yep, rushing and stressing—moments we've all experienced, right?

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Posted in Brain Fitness, Mindfulness and Perspective

How to Convert Problems into Opportunities

The brain's first job is to keep us safe. Important, right? Yes, of course. However, if we only spot problems but don't learn how to move through them and critically think to resolve conflicts in our lives, we get stuck.

In my first meeting with young adults, couples, or even company leaders, there is a common theme. They point out what they want to change or fix in themselves, their work, or their relationships and lives. Often there are emotional intelligence skills missing.

Until we master ourselves, nothing changes. We must commit to a growth mindset, or problems will remain. Shifting [...]

Posted in Brain Fitness, Mindfulness and Perspective, Emotional Intelligence

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