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Jennifer A. Williams / Heartmanity Founder

Jennifer A. Williams / Heartmanity Founder

Jennifer, as the Heartmanity Founder, has coached couples for over two decades. With her extensive experience and vast knowledge of emotional intelligence and brain science, Jennifer provides profound insights. She specializes in communication and teaches EQ skills needed to create healthy relationships. Jennifer is happily married and the mother of three grown children who are incredible human beings.

Recent Posts:

In Marriage, for Better or for Worse: How to Increase Ease in Your Relationship

As a couple, have you ever wondered, "Why does a relationship has to be so hard?" Do you feel sometimes like you're raising another child instead of having an equal partner? Are you exhausted from all the talking about change, yet nothing changes? Is your spouse expecting things you don't think are fair? Do you feel guilty when you take care of yourself because you "should" be...?

If you answered "yes" to even one of these questions, keep reading to get off of the cul-de-sac of human drama.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

Love Deliberately Like a Grandmaster Plays Chess

When I was growing up, my oldest brother was a national chess champion—at least through my young eyes. He taught me a lot about the game, and chess taught me about the game of life. Chess is an extraordinarily complex game with unlimited possibilities. For example, after only three moves apiece, there are more than 10 million possible placement combinations of the pieces! Each decision made in chess paves the way to success or failure, just as in life and relationship.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

The Best Marriage Advice: An Intentional Marriage Is a Happy Marriage

Relationships, like everything, have specific keys and habits that either make them easier, more successful, and happier or harder, less successful, and unhappy. Do you know what relationship habits are needed for a happy marriage? Have you shifted into cruise control in your relationship and only think good intentions, but don’t act on them? Or do you make daily choices and actions to intentionally love your partner?

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

Healthy Use of Technology—How to Find a Balance in Families

In today's fast-paced world, an endless parade of technology and entertainment choices compete for family closeness. Do you ever find it challenging to break away from your smartphone or computer and make time for true connection in your relationships? Do you spend more time with your computer than your spouse? Does your teen seem more interested in his X-box than family time?

Technology's impact on families is substantial. Learn some tips to keep the Techno-Love Balance. 

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting

How to Improve Communication to Create a Drama-Free Marriage

Does your partner ever accuse you of flirting with others when there is no evidence to support it? Or go along with anything you say, only to resent you for it later? Or are you avoiding necessary but difficult conversations with each other? Relationship drama can be a huge emotional drain, stealing our loving feelings and what could be romantic moments.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships, Communication & Interpersonal Skills

10 Everyday Ways to Nurture a Loving Partnership

In today's busy world, it doesn't take long for two people in a relationship to become distant or fall out of love. If you really think about it, although you live with that person, sleep next to them, eat meals with them, and maybe even talk to them during the day, how much of that connection is mindful and nurturing?

Because of the day-in and day-out details of life we are constantly juggling, many times our once romantic relationship can begin to cruise on automatic. As we all know, relationships take time—and sometimes they feel like too much work. But it doesn't have to be that way; it [...]

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

Why Work-Life Balance Isn't the Best Solution

Work-life balance has become a bit of a buzzphrase, especially among mompreneurs who are building a business while raising a family. This ideal is often sought after and discussed as missing from our lives. Seeking to find a balance between competing desires and responsibilities personally and professionally can be daunting. But is it a balance that we're searching for?

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Posted in Business and Leadership, Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

How to Have Difficult Conversations with Your Spouse—Successfully!

In love and marriage, we often hold back from being fully honest with our partner, even when it’s important. Maybe we’re afraid that we’ll hurt their feelings, or we’re fearful of their reaction. Or perhaps we think they’ll feel like we’re criticizing them. However, we may also hold on to resentment or anger toward them until it spills over to spoil our fun or warps our everyday interactions. Our unwillingness to speak up begins to padlock our hearts and closes off the current of our love.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships, Communication & Interpersonal Skills

How to Achieve More Intimacy in Marriage

No intimacy in a marriage has many consequences. One of the biggest complaints I hear from couples is that they feel more like roomies than lovers—not what they signed on for. However, there are many varying forms and levels of intimacy; each couple is unique. Every person has a different drive and desire level. So, there are no magic solutions for lack of intimacy, although many behaviors steal the connection from a marriage. Eliminate those, and you'll be on your way to a healthier and happier relationship.

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

If You Want a Successful Marriage, Increase Self-Mastery

What determines a successful marriage? Do you know?

Many couples want to have a healthy relationship yet struggle to know how. Why can most couples instantly tell when their partner is upset with them, but not know how to create the understanding and honesty necessary to resolve conflict?

This ability is a crucial factor that builds successful and long-term marriages, so how is it that it's commonly lacking?

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

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