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Enid R. Spitz / Heartmanity Contributor

Enid R. Spitz / Heartmanity Contributor

Enid Spitz is a writer, yoga instructor, and works at the popular Lululemon. She previously lived in Portland, OR and Seattle, WA, where she was a newspaper editor and researched yoga for Traumatic Brain Injury. Heartmanity combines Enid's passions for social well-being, neuroscience, and yoga. When not writing or on the yoga mat, she is an avid traveller, and loves being outdoors.

Recent Posts:

Speaking Your Truth Even When It's Uncomfortable

There’s been a lot of truth-speaking filling the social discourse lately...and a lot of not-truth speaking. With the proliferation of sexual assault discussions as well as the more recent Black Lives Matter discourses arising nationwide, the idea of “speaking your truth” is front and center.

Have you ever wondered why you don't give voice to your truth? Before we discuss how to find your voice, let’s figure out where the phrase came from in the first place. If we’re honest, it’s been a buzzword for a while. This is not a straightforward walk down memory lane to one definitive point where [...]

Posted in Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

A Simple Way to Stay Sane During the Holidays

You know that whirring-through-space feeling the holidays tend to bring? The crazy that comes with getting ready for a gathering or shopping til you drop!?

Everything tumbling around, moving overly fast, twisting out of the normal routine, and amplified by familial turbulence.

It’s enough to make you wish for some powerful, calming potion you serve your family (and yourself).

HINT: Not wine.

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Posted in Habits for Health

The Best Essential Oils to Spice Up Your Autumn Recipes

Fall meant Apple Hill where I grew up. Like clockwork, the air would turn crisper, and seemingly everyone would trek to the Hill for apple everything—donuts, cider, apples in caramel, and apple-picking. Applesauce and apple pies everywhere.

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Posted in Habits for Health

How to Navigate Being a Step-Sibling in a Blended Family

"Are you an only child?"

That question always gives me pause. Yes, but also, no. I am not alone in being the child of a blended family. Nor am I the only one who’s a bit confused by the whole situation—parents included.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting

Back to School Essential Oils to Support Your Kid's Health

The back-to-school season is a mammoth shift for kids and their families alike. Even more notorious are back-to-school illnesses at all ages, which spread far beyond the home and classroom. Every company with an employee who needs to pick up a sick kid at a moment's notice is familiar with the disruption.

If you aren’t already using essential oils, time to start! They're a fantastic way to jumpstart the immune system and reinforce your children's healthy—and yours!

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Posted in Habits for Health

How to Boost Your Joy, Career and Love Life by Mindfulness

I recently found myself standing in the produce section of Whole Foods, somewhere between the lettuce and onion island, and I had no idea how I’d gotten to where I was.

This is not an abduction story, a memory-lapse or early-onset Alzheimer's. What I experienced is an unfortunately commonplace phenomenon that is—in many people’s opinion—becoming a societal disease: a lapse in mindfulness.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Brain Fitness, Mindfulness and Perspective

Use Essential Oils to Fight Stress and Anxiety

“I was a little excited but mostly blorft. 'Blorft' is an adjective I just made up that means 'Completely overwhelmed but proceeding as if everything is fine and reacting to the stress with the torpor of a possum.' I have been blorft every day for the past seven years.”    ~Tina Fey, Bossypants

Stress has become the new status quo for many people and even entire populations.

Handling daily fatigue is naturally a huge concern. The skyrocketing number of prescriptions for anti-anxiety medications like Xanax is a strong indicator; so is the massive spike in cases of anti-anxiety prescription abuse [...]

Posted in Habits for Health

Easy Yoga Stretches to Do Right at Your Desk

Are your shoulders and necks getting tense? This stress is especially true for those who spend a lot of time on the computer. Many of us get tense in the shoulders, neck, and jaw—nine-to-fivers and mom entrepreneurs alike. Whether you are in an office at a desk or running errands, everyday activities like texting, driving, or even sleeping can contribute to a stiff neck. When was the last time you really stretched your fingers and forearms?

Related reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Habits for Health

How to Make Employee Evaluations More Effective and Meaningful

Evaluating employees is a workplace standard that has been used for decades. At this point, it’s routine; unfortunately, it's a practice that has become rote. Business is drastically changing, and the old way of doing employee evaluations is outdated! Just look at the prevalence of startups, unconventional office spaces, and even workplace yoga.

Mindfulness is one of the fastest-growing interests in the business sphere. Now it is changing employee evaluations and feedback, too. When that inevitable, and admittedly often awkward, time of year comes around for discussing employees' [...]

Posted in Business and Leadership, Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

The History of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Emotional Intelligence is like a theory on the brink of stardom. Over the past two and a half decades, the social theory has become one of the biggest buzzwords in fields like psychology, children’s education and business. From McDonald’s to the Dalai Lama and Harvard Business Review, organizations across the political and economic spectrum are diving into Emotional Intelligence (aka Emotional Intelligence Quotient; EQ for short). The history of emotional intelligence is less known but nonetheless fascinating.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Posted in Business and Leadership

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