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Enid R. Spitz / Heartmanity Contributor

Enid R. Spitz / Heartmanity Contributor

Enid Spitz is a writer, yoga instructor, and works at the popular Lululemon. She previously lived in Portland, OR and Seattle, WA, where she was a newspaper editor and researched yoga for Traumatic Brain Injury. Heartmanity combines Enid's passions for social well-being, neuroscience, and yoga. When not writing or on the yoga mat, she is an avid traveller, and loves being outdoors.

Recent Posts:

Teenage Rebellion and the Teen Parent Connection

With no hesitation, I can proudly say that my mother is my best friend in this world. And I remember detesting her. If you put a snapshot of my teenage years next to life today, they would probably look like two different people.

While adolescents are not a different breed, they might at times seem like it. This portrayal has only been heightened by media and movie portrayals. Teens get stereotyped as hormonal, socially lost, or rebellious.

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting

Employee Attrition: Why Companies Are Losing Dedicated and Talented Employees

As an employer, employee attrition is a hard—and often discouraging—situation to see happening inside your company. Whether you run an industry office, cutting-edge software company or a startup, hiring the right staff workers and, more importantly, retaining them is a vital but often unexpected task as a business owner.

Estimated reading time: 4.5 minutes

Posted in Business and Leadership

7 Ways to Infuse Love into Your Marriage

The love is there—it just might have ebbed to the fringes a bit.

It happens. Not just after a “honeymoon” phase, the literal honeymoon, the first child or the third, but possibly throughout it all. The feeling of love in a marriage can naturally wax and wane.

Here are seven ways to welcome it back to the heart of your relationship.

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

Technology and Relationships: How Technology Affects Relationships

You are now competing with pixels for the attention of nearly everyone you know. And you are probably losing.

Technology addiction, screen time, the black hole of the internet, Reddit, and the endless scroll of Instagram and TikTok—not to mention those notifications every time an email slides in! The widespread influence of tech is part of our daily lives. There are more ways for screens to suck people in than there are people to be enticed.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships, Brain Fitness, Mindfulness and Perspective

The Spaces in Between Are Just as Important

We are essentially just moving our bodies around in space. I remind my yoga students that from time to time, not to diminish the importance of yoga to them or to make it seem trivial. In fact, operating in space is exactly the opposite.

Open space is, in my mind, incredibly under-appreciated. So often we spend our days rushing through space, whether that’s hurtling through traffic from point A to B in our car or hastening to complete the next bullet point on our never-ending to-do list.

Posted in Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

How to Be an Authentic Leader

Again and again, throughout the history of effective leaders, a consistent sentiment has echoed: to be an authentic leader is not to lead the most people, wield the most power, or even achieve the most outcomes. To be an authentic leader lies deeper than those surface measures, in character and emotional intelligence.

Estimated reading time: 3.5 minutes

Posted in Business and Leadership

Love Has No Labels: Breaking Down the Walls of Bias and Prejudice

Now more than ever, we need compassion and acceptance of diversity and personal choices that we may not agree with.

Maybe you’ve seen the Love Has No Labels images? A white square superimposed over a picture of your friend, mom, coworker, or an NFL quarterback, celebrity, or news anchor. Inside the box, this phrase: “love has no labels.” This campaign—though “campaign” can’t really capture its essence—spread fast.Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Posted in Communication & Interpersonal Skills, Brain Fitness, Mindfulness and Perspective

Before Wedding Planning, Get Clear About Your Priorities

Right after the proposal, everyone wants to see the ring, know the date, ask about the venue. As a newlywed couple, it’s easy to feel like you’re suddenly sliding down a steep slope to “I Do” without a moment to pause.

Swept up by the excitement, Emotional Intelligence tends to get pushed aside. (Related: What is Emotional Intelligence?)

You know when you’ve been staring at a screen too long and you suddenly wake up to your surroundings? Your eyes re-adjust. You realize you’re down some dark rabbit hole of Google or Instagram or whatever. You know that you’ve gone past the point of [...]

Posted in Intentional Weddings & Wedding Planning

Five Amazing Essential Oils to Get You Motivated

Brain fogginess is a terrible plague on productivity. Do you know that feeling when not all your circuits are firing? Your thoughts feel vague, the right words are elusive, reaction times slower, and your motivation levels slump into the doldrums.

What’s the solution for mental fatigue? More coffee...maybe. But there are more sustainable, natural substances that won’t leave you with that jittery buzz, caffeine withdrawal, or an energetic nosedive.

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Posted in Habits for Health

Coping Strategies When Your Head and Heart Disagree

Pop Quiz: How Do You Cope?

What do you do when you have everything you want and need, but you still don’t feel happy? You have satisfying work; your finances support you; you have a strong home life... but it still feels like something is missing and true happiness remains just beyond reach. 

What are your coping strategies? Do you shut down? Do you avoid your feelings? Do you rev up? If you want to exit the conversation the second I ask you if you feel fulfilled, that’s probably a clue.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

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