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Healthy Couples—How to Keep Your Relationship Healthy

If you asked a hundred persons about their goals in life, at least half of them would mention their desire to be in a healthy relationship. And right at the front of this relationship train exists a loving, trustworthy spouse.

So, how do you create a healthy relationship? Read on to find out.

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

How Wedding Anniversary Symbols Support and Strengthen a Marriage

Anniversaries are opportunities to reflect on where you have come from, understand where you are, and get clear on where you are going as a couple. And love and marriage deserve a special celebration! While wedding anniversaries are certainly noteworthy for celebrating, they are also a wonderful time to adjust the compass and chart a new course together or just revel in your journey so far.

Estimated reading time: 4.5 minutes

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

If You Want a Successful Marriage, Increase Self-Mastery

What determines a successful marriage? Do you know?

Many couples want to have a healthy relationship yet struggle to know how. Why can most couples instantly tell when their partner is upset with them, but not know how to create the understanding and honesty necessary to resolve conflict?

This ability is a crucial factor that builds successful and long-term marriages, so how is it that it's commonly lacking?

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

Why Knowing Your Partner's Love Language Can Strengthen Your Bond

A key to healthy relationships is understanding how best to express your love to your partner—loving in a way that resonates with them and fulfills their needs. Dr. Gary Chapman devised a meaningful method to communicate with your partner and show your affection based on their innate preferences. Dubbed the Love Languages, this approach relies on the theory that every individual has a predisposition to and identifies more heavily with one of five ways to spread and receive love.

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

Three Major Roadblocks in Relationships

There are little speed bumps in relationships, and there are major roadblocks. Most relationships survive speed bumps, but when couples make major missteps regularly, continue to hurt one another, or create roadblocks to love and loving, things start going downhill—sometimes gradually, and sometimes unexpectedly with an affair. Wouldn't you like to replace these unloving behaviors and roadblocks with loving habits to build a healthy relationship instead? Looking for advice about love?

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

How to Unravel Knots & Tangles in a Relationship

A relationship is sometimes like a tangled necklace; we have difficulty understanding our partner or their perspective. Although in marriage, we commit to one another for better or for worse, we don't always know how to unravel the tangles we find ourselves in or the conflicts that confront us. Conflict resolution is uncomfortable and we can be all tied up in knots inside and unable to build a bridge between us.

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

Keys to Healthy Love and a Happy Relationship

Valentine's Day is a perfect opportunity to revel in our love for one another. The day set aside and the celebration itself can rekindle the fires of loving our partner. Although, wonder if we could keep our loving attentiveness going every day?

You owe it to yourself to flex the muscles required to create lasting happiness. Strengthening your relationship by applying love's keys is just as important as planning your wedding. Your honeymoon doesn’t have to last only for a season!

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

Cool and Unique Valentine's Day Gift Ideas

Are you ready to buy the perfect gift for your special person, but unsure where to start? When it comes to Valentine’s Day, “getting it right” is a must.

Are you tired of the typical and expected flowers and chocolate? If so, it’s time to get creative. Use the information here to find the perfect gift for your special person.

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

3 Things You Should Never Do in Love and Marriage

Have you ever gotten into an argument with your partner, and after you cooled down, you can’t even remember how it started?

Everyone has a unique perspective, so we’re bound to disagree sometimes. However, if disagreements become fights that harm the relationship, our remarks made while upset can fuel future hurt. When it comes to love and marriage, there are a few sacred rules of engagement. If you honor these, you’re halfway to a great relationship. If not, breaking these guidelines will divide you, rewound your partner, and diminish your love.

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

Are You Tolerating Disrespect in Your Relationships?

We tolerate bad habits and unhealthy behaviors for way too long for a variety of reasons. What's your reason? What do you allow that depletes your joy? And what excuses do you make? How do you let yourself off the hook and postpone creating a better life?

Many times tolerations and compromises live in our marriages and most cherished relationships: Disrespect. Sharp words. Busy schedules. Small omissions. Unresolved and painful conflicts. Broken promises eroding trust. Why do we make suffering our bed partner?

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

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