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How to Make a Change Successfully Using the Eight Keys

Change can be challenging whether you're trying to break the habit of being a people pleaser or you simply want to lose a little weight and exercise more.

Positive change boils down to 8 Keys for Breaking Bad Habits as previously discussed. When you want to make a change in your life to be a better version of yourself, it depends on several key components. Bad habits are hard to break, so it’s best to take a crack at them in small doses for the best chance of success. 

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Posted in Brain Fitness, Mindfulness and Perspective, Habits for Health

5 Best Emotional Intelligence Courses for the Workplace

Do you ever snap at an employee at work? (Or do you wait until you get home and take your stress out on your family?)

Are you struggling with turnover? Unable to motivate employees? Profits are down and stress is up? Are constant conflicts keeping you tied up in knots?

Time to hone up on your emotional intelligence skills! EQ determines how effectively we navigate stress, lead ourselves and others, and whether or not we're successful in our everyday interactions.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Posted in Brain Fitness, Mindfulness and Perspective, Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

Brain Fitness: Best 5 Brain Training Apps to Keep Your Brain Healthy in 2024

Most people love games. Combining them with keeping your brain healthy is a game-changer! I've been studying the brain, brain fitness, and teaching brain hacks for nearly two decades. Now, brain training apps do much of the work for you! Studies show that the brain needs exercise—use it or lose it! What an amazing solution: fun + smartphones + a brain boost! 

Sharpen your cognition while playing games—now that's a winner! (Netflix may be popular but they can't boast of improved brain fitness.)

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Posted in Brain Fitness, Mindfulness and Perspective

Cultivating Spiritual Awareness through Mindfulness Practices and Movements

Life in a hectic world leaves many of us feeling disconnected from the spiritual and intuitive part of who we are. This experience can leave us feeling overwhelmed, chaotic, and less than present, as our attention is distracted by the whirling life around us.

So, what can help ground us in what is truly important? What is spiritual awareness and how can we cultivate mindfulness to bring more inner peace, calmness, and meaning to our lives?

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Brain Fitness, Mindfulness and Perspective, Habits for Health

5 Ways Brain Fitness and Behavioral Health Are Optimized by Healthy Habits

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Are you struggling with bad habits or a lack of focus? Combatting anxiety or discouragement?

As we navigate our lives filled with technology, relational challenges, social unrest, and growing demands on our time, it’s natural to get off balance sometimes. However, we have the power to change our lives and commit to practices that create healthy habits to keep our brains fit. And brain fitness is crucial for a happy life; it is, after all, the hard drive! With the right strategies, we can become healthier, learn new habits of mind, and become mindful versions of [...]

Posted in Brain Fitness, Mindfulness and Perspective, Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

Home Is Where the Mind Is: How Interior Design Can Improve Your Mental Wellness

We spend a lot of time at home, more so since the pandemic. Our house is not only our shelter, but it also serves as our recreational space and refuge. And nowadays, in this increased remote working era, it’s often our workspace, too!

Since we spend a great deal of time indoors, our environment is vital for our well-being, and its effects are often underestimated. Did you know that the interior design of your home or workplace can significantly impact your mental health?

Estimated reading time: 6.5 minutes

Posted in Brain Fitness, Mindfulness and Perspective, Habits for Health

How to Get Acquainted with Your Intuition

Can you increase your listening power to the voice of intuition? Does everyone have intuitive abilities? And can you learn to use your intuition more accurately? Yes. Yes. Yes.

Is intuition a part of emotional intelligence? Or is it memory pattern matching by our minds as some psychologists believe? These questions arise whenever a person desires to understand their intuition more or begins to tap its power.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Posted in Brain Fitness, Mindfulness and Perspective

Resiliency, Inner Peace, and How to Calm in an Emotional Storm

We are all still adjusting to post-pandemic and building more forward momentum. Regardless of what challenges you face, resiliency is critical. When confronted with tragic world events coupled with personal challenges of our own, life can seem overwhelming. Learning emotional intelligence skills will help, grounding you in inner peace and well-being despite stressful times. When dealing with uncertainty, worry, and anxiety, you will be glad you have a life jacket keeping you afloat in the turbulent waters of emotions.

Estimated reading time: 4.5 minutes

Posted in Brain Fitness, Mindfulness and Perspective, Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

Mindfulness: How to Have Mindful Mornings that Can Change Your Day

It’s often said that mornings are the most important part of every day—and it’s true. After all, mornings lay the groundwork for each day, setting the tone, building the foundations, and ushering in new challenges.

The trick is to enjoy peaceful mornings that encourage a focused, mindful day. But how do you go about having a mindful morning?

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Brain Fitness, Mindfulness and Perspective, Habits for Health

3 Life-Changing EQ Tools that Will Transform Your Life for the Better!

Did you consciously choose your habits? Do you feel stuck or in a rut with bad habits? A simple way to shift our lives for the better is through emotional intelligence.

Habits are one of the most vital things to be mindful of and intentional with. They have tremendous power—for better or worse! Each tiny (and not-so-small) habit in your life adds up to the quality of your life.And how you think and feel each day is directly responsible for new beginnings and transforming the old into the new.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Brain Fitness, Mindfulness and Perspective, Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

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