For many, feeling overwhelmed is a stifling experience that generates anxiety. Trying to do too much all at once, or in an hour or a day, is like trying to force an entire orange through the top of a funnel. No matter how hard we might push, the fruit isn’t going to fit through that narrow neck and hole.
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Feeling Overwhelmed Stems from a Lack of Self-Awareness
Stress and anxious feelings are often created by how we view ourselves and our obligations within the time limits (the funnel).
When we feel overwhelmed, it can seem like we don’t have a choice. I often hear clients say, “I have to…” or “I shouldn’t have…” or “I don’t have a choice.” These words of shame, wrong, or seek to force ourselves as if against our own will!
But who is in charge?
We are.
Truthfully, we don't HAVE to do anything.
When we act—or not—it can feel like someone or something is making us do what we don't want to do!
But even when it might feel like we don't have a choice, we do.
Did you know that relief can be experienced simply by acknowledging that you DO have a choice?
For instance, you may feel overwhelmed by your work load. However, there are a multitude of choices:
- Call in sick or take PTO.
- Quit your job.
- Procrastinate.
- Ask for help.
- Request a time extension.
- Delegate some of the tasks.
- Complain to a co-worker.
- Break the work down into bite-size pieces.
Our feelings are signaling us to take action.
Overwhelm = inaction... or too much being forced.
Overwhelming feelings clog up that funnel. Our brains are on overload and telling us to STOP and reassess the direction we're going.
The simple keys below have helped me enormously to live more fully with ease without overwhelm—while also being ten times more productive. It was a huge relief to discover that I was far more effective and productive when I didn't expect too much and allowed myself more grace.
It's possible to experience peace (instead of stress and overwhelming feelings) even in the midst of a full schedule with work pressures and kids driving you crazy!
Just don't try to force that orange (or your brain) through the stem of that funnel!
These simple keys may help you, too!
Related reading: “Simple Ways to Build Resilience and Emotional Fitness.”
3 Keys to Shift Overwhelm to Productivity and Ease
Stop trying to do everything perfectly!
One of the culprits of overwhelm is perfectionism. We try to do everything letter-perfect instead of realizing that some things just aren’t worth doing well.
When my husband and I were first married, we managed a health food restaurant in Des Moines, Iowa. We had an employee who LOVED to shine the pots and pans. He would spend an hour or more shining those puppies up at night before closing.
However, when the owner found out why he stayed late, I’ll never forget her reaction; she said, “I’m not paying someone to make our pans shiny. Send him home!”
Sometimes, doing something extraordinarily well doesn’t make sense. Shiny pans are nice but don’t yield the same result the owner desired.
Be deliberate in what you spend your time on. Some things just aren’t worth doing perfectly.
Strive for perfectly imperfect!
Deep dive: “Inner Peace Requires Us to Be Present with Self-Compassion.”
Do Less. Choose wisely what truly matters to you.
Years ago, a boss asked me, “Do you realize that when you are feeling overwhelmed, you take on more, not less?”
Her observation was brand-new to me and when I examined the pattern, it turned out to be true. I realized that I was trying to prove how strong and capable I was so I'd keep taking on more and more commitments. By doing so, I made myself even more overwhelmed.
To raise my self-awareness, I started tracking my commitments and checking in with myself. Before agreeing to do anything, I’d ask myself whether or not I had the 1) time, 2) energy, and 3) desire to do something before saying yes.
This one small change in my mindset reshaped my entire life.
Consider for a moment what you might be able to let go of—for good! Review things that you may be doing out of habit but are no longer necessary. Maybe, just like the shiny pans, certain activities demand too much time and energy to be worthwhile.
Identify things with little value or return on the energy and time you invest. For me, that was doing everything perfectly, which is our first key.
Onto another simple key to eliminate overwhelm.
Related reading: "Why Emotional Health Depends on the Mind-Body Connection."
Make self-care a high priority.
It's an illusion that we are more productive when we skip self-care. Sometimes, we are simply overwhelmed because we try to stay productive when we need self-care, rejuvenation, and BE time.
Competition of productivity with our core needs, such as adequate downtime, is a major reason for stress and feeling overwhelmed.
Next time you feel overwhelmed, ask yourself, “What do I need?”
Then, do it!
Whether that action is simply taking a 5-minute break during a tight timeline or leaving the office for lunch instead of eating at your computer. Or maybe you can fit in a quick workout at the gym.
Whatever IS possible, snatch the opportunity.
We deposit energy into our vitality bank account each time we care for ourselves. Just like a money market account that grows, with self-care, we feel better about ourselves because there is an abundance within us to give to life.
Practice one of the above keys to master the flow of energy and replace the overwhelming feelings and stress with inner peace.
Related reading: "27 Best Ways to Raise Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace."
For support and customized coaching to discover ease and flow in your life, contact us at Heartmanity!