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Stop Gossip When a Person Is Talking Bad About Someone with These Simple Steps

Gossip. Backbiting. Complaining.

Years ago, when a friend and I would meet for lunch, somehow, it invariably turned into a meal of complaints or a conversation orbiting around the critique of others. I’d walk away from the luncheon splattered with the emotional mud of gossip, feeling disappointed and reticent to get together in the future. It could be months before we got together again, partly because of the heavy feeling in my heart.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Communication & Interpersonal Skills, Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

Life Hacks to Replace Feeling Stuffers with Emotional Intelligence

How many of you grew up encouraged to freely express your emotions when you were a child? What happened when you got angry? Or sad? Growing up in a family where the whole spectrum of emotions was accepted, encouraged, and explored is rare, yet it’s one way that children develop emotional intelligence. Most of us grew up with a double standard where it wasn’t okay for us to express our challenging emotions, yet our parents sometimes reacted out of tiredness or stress.

Do you remember seeing your mother cry when you were young? I do. I remember asking my mom what was wrong as she sobbed—her [...]

Posted in Emotional Intelligence & Fitness, Most Popular

How to Apply Emotional, Cognitive, and Compassionate Empathy

Empathy is not one-size-fits-all. Different types of empathy are appropriate for different people, relationships, and circumstances.

If you are struggling to express empathy, your problem might not be that you aren't an empathetic person—it could be that you're accessing a type of empathy that doesn't come naturally to you or that the type of empathy you're expressing isn't appropriate for the situation at hand.

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Posted in Emotional Intelligence & Fitness, How to Build Empathy

What Is Good About People-Pleasers?

A client asked me recently, “What’s wrong with pleasing people? Isn’t it kind to please others?” This question inspired me to write about the topic from a new perspective. After all, there is a lot written about the dark side of being a people-pleaser and how habitually pleasing others can deplete personal power and destroy relationships. If you’re a people-pleaser, this can be disheartening. Luckily, there’s also a light side to being a people-pleaser, one which can help provide a happy life with great fulfillment. 

Estimated reading time: 4.5 minutes

Posted in Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

Do You Want a Happy Relationship? Develop Healthy Boundaries

Whether you’ve been with your partner for six months or married for ten years, poor boundaries create dependency and unhappy couples. If you want to develop a healthy and happy relationship, you must each have healthy personal boundaries.

Often, we consider boundaries to be something that pushes people away, or we’re afraid that the other person will react negatively or feel hurt. However, healthy boundaries in relationships are a prerequisite to happiness. They define us and what is essential in our lives. Without them, there is too much room for drama. Boundaries help to create a  [...]

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships, Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

Why Work-Life Balance Isn't the Best Solution

Work-life balance has become a bit of a buzzphrase, especially among mompreneurs who are building a business while raising a family. This ideal is often sought after and discussed as missing from our lives. Seeking to find a balance between competing desires and responsibilities personally and professionally can be daunting. But is it a balance that we're searching for?

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Posted in Business and Leadership, Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

How to Improve Emotional Intelligence in 3 Simple Steps

We may not have been able to control the unexpected events of the pandemic, but hopefully, you were still able to achieve some of the goals you set for yourself.

At the beginning of each new year, people naturally think about goal setting. Setting and writing down goals with a plan to achieve them has been shown to increase the likelihood of their attainment. Historically, the most popular New Year's resolutions have had to do with exercise and dieting. But instead of only improving your physical fitness this year, why not set a goal to improve your emotional fitness?

Posted in Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

Boundaries Protect and Support Your Blended Family

When my husband and I got together, children were brought into my life for the first time. Once married, the adjustment to living and interacting with two children was a steep learning curve for me. Navigating daily life together, communicating between households, and adapting to different routines all required constant adjustment, and still does nearly four years later. It was evident very quickly that boundaries were necessary for our blended family dynamic. Healthy boundaries shaped the development of my marriage, my interactions with the children, and our relationship with the children’s [...]

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting, Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

An Unexpected Place to Discover Love and Resilience

Resilience is defined as the capacity to recover quickly from hardship or difficulties. We've all known difficulties. However, it is how we respond to what happens to us that determines how we greet the future. Without resiliency, life's hardships can weigh us down, and we become an unbending tree that breaks off in the high winds of a storm.

Estimated reading: 3 minutes

Posted in Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

Why You Need to Replace People-Pleasing with Kindness

Most people think when they please someone, their action is kind. Yes, their action may impact others positively. It feels good for a person to do things for us, to help us out in a time of need, to volunteer on a committee, or watch our kids for a couple of hours. However, if this act of supposed kindness is wrong or even hurtful to the giver, it’s not kindness. It’s people-pleasing. People-pleasing is a habit that undermines authentic connection in relationships and cuts the pleaser off from their true self, limiting individual potential. Each of us needs to set boundaries to be at our best [...]

Posted in Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

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