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Spark More Love in Your Marriage: Be Intentional with 3 Simple Actions

Maintaining a healthy marriage requires continual investment. And most couples experience challenges they must face in marriage and love. But when done intentionally, navigating them together can also be among the most rewarding. It’s completely natural for couples to experience ups and downs, yet it takes daily loving acts to keep our relationship thriving. And when it gets to the point of make-or-break, something needs to change.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Love, Marriage, and Relationships

3 Life-Changing EQ Tools that Will Transform Your Life for the Better!

Did you consciously choose your habits? Do you feel stuck or in a rut with bad habits? A simple way to shift our lives for the better is through emotional intelligence.

Habits are one of the most vital things to be mindful of and intentional with. They have tremendous power—for better or worse! Each tiny (and not-so-small) habit in your life adds up to the quality of your life.And how you think and feel each day is directly responsible for new beginnings and transforming the old into the new.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Brain Fitness, Mindfulness and Perspective, Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

Create Your Best Self with Healthy Habits for Your Best Year EVER!

As we approach the end of each year, it's a natural time for reflection. However, at any time, you can assess your life and how you can move closer to your best self. Some possible questions: What have you accomplished the past six months? What were your greatest successes and biggest challenges? What got in the way of achieving your goals or stole your happiness a little too often?

Whether you're pleased looking back or discouraged that life took a U-turn, before making New Year's resolutions or setting too lofty of goals, find out why you shouldn't waste the time!

Estimated reading time: 5 [...]

Posted in Brain Fitness, Mindfulness and Perspective

Keep the Holidays Stress-Free and Happy: Practice Meaningful Mindfulness

The holidays can be a trying time, even if you love all the celebrations and socializing that accompany them. This year (and every year afterward), it’s a good idea to shift gears mentally and focus inwardly on reducing stress and being happy.

This shift is where mindfulness comes in.

Estimated reading time: 4.5 minutes

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting

Creative, Kid-Friendly Holiday Decorating Ideas

Kids love to contribute to the holiday decorating process, and it’s even more fun and meaningful if their involvement is about creating, not just hanging store-bought ornaments throughout your living spaces.

There are lots of engaging projects to try with your children during the festive season, so why not plan a crafting session with a few of the following ideas so that this Christmas is extra-special?

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting

Do People Pleasers Make the Best Employees?

A couple of years ago, I lectured to a group of business owners on employee engagement. A gentleman gave lavish praise for one employee in particular. In the same breath, he also lamented how difficult it would be to find a replacement to fill her shoes.

The business owner had many reasons for his fondness: "She stayed late whenever asked to get projects done and with amazing accuracy." "She always volunteered to go the extra mile!" "She was super productive!" "She was the first to come to work and the last to leave." "And the best part, she was very popular in the office because she went [...]

Posted in Business and Leadership

Impactful Soft Skills That Can Make or Break an Effective Healthcare Leader

Today more than ever, a surplus of talented people exists in virtually every industry around the globe. There is an increase in the average level of education with larger numbers of qualified candidates available for job openings and an increasingly global economy and international presence for many industries. These factors mean you will likely compete against candidates worldwide for positions you apply for. These realities are especially prevalent in many branches of healthcare.

Estimated reading: 5 minutes

Posted in Business and Leadership

How Pets Improve Children's Mental Health, Emotional Regulation, and Development

Watching children grow and develop is as rewarding as it is fascinating. Children are like little sponges, soaking up information and discovering all they can learn about their environment.

Within a family, parents, siblings, and grandparents all play a significant role and greatly impact a child’s emotional development. However, they are not the only influence on children at home. Growing up with a pet can positively impact early childhood development and help establish healthy emotional regulation and mental health in children.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting, Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

I Feel Like a Bad Mom! 3 Skills to Encourage and Raise Your Confidence

Parenting is hard work. But when we're critical of ourselves and have a lot of negative self-talk, it can become downright discouraging. Maybe, you're even feeling burned out as a parent. In that parenting exhaustion, have you ever thought to yourself, "I'm really a bad mom!"?

With this full-time, never-let-up job, it's easy to slip into feeling overwhelmed. Many of today's parents live thousands of miles away from grandparents and extended family, which was a major support in earlier times. So how do you parent consciously, keep a work-life balance, and create a fun-loving, happy family, [...]

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting

Find Inner Peace and Unwrap Your Best Self

All of us seek inner peace and to make sense of our world. However, we grow up in a family culture that sometimes teaches us certain things about ourselves and the world that may inhibit a sense of peace. In our developmental years, we receive messages that cause us to believe certain feelings are unacceptable and unwelcome. Sometimes they are even shamed or punished.

So how do we free ourselves from fear and shame to become our best self?

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Posted in Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

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