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Making Mindfulness Practical in Business

The practice of mindfulness is becoming all the rage. Our fast-paced, high-tech lives have left many of us too stressed out to be happy. And it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find meaning and purpose in what we do, something becoming increasingly important for future generations. Mindfulness at work is a recipe for productivity and can enhance a sense of purpose.

Mindfulness can be summed up as “present moment awareness.” It’s the practice of being in the “here and now.” Most people practice mindfulness with meditation or another mindful sitting so that they can focus on their breath, observe their thoughts, and emotions and gain perspective on where they are in that present moment.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Making mindfulness practical in business

Table of Contents:
Mindfulness in Business?
Emotional Intelligence as Mindfulness in the Workplace
Understand Your Impact as Social Awareness
Learn to Calm Detach and Self-Regulate
Example of Low Emotional Intelligence
Reduce Stress by Being Mindful
Try Introducing Mindfulness into Business

Mindfulness in Business?

There are many ways you can practice mindfulness, such as gardening, exercising, cleaning, being with friends, having a cup of coffee, etc. Really, with enough practice and focus, mindfulness is something you can be doing every day.

But how do mindfulness and business go together?

In many ways, our high-speed, high-stress lifestyles are a product of business having too prominent a role in our lives. The push to grow and do more is a huge cause of stress. Yet mindfulness and business do not need to be separate and embracing mindfulness can actually make your business better.

Related reading: "Can Mindfulness Help You Run Your Business?"

Emotional Intelligence as Mindfulness in the Workplace

Since the research is getting more and more plentiful, it's crucial that businesses start prioritizing it. With employee burnout on the rise, companies must consider the importance of providing a place for employees to practice mindfulness.

Consider the following ways you can make mindfulness work in business.

Mindfulness Practice in Business #1:  Understand Impact as Social Awareness

One of the central tenets of mindfulness is recognizing the impact of our actions. Even though it can be hard to see, each one of us is a small part of the much larger, interdependent organism called Life. When we lose sight of our connection, we tend to fall into the trap of thinking that what we do doesn’t really matter.

But this is simply not true.

Every action has a consequence, whether positive or negative. And that consequence is not always felt immediately after the action. Yet if we’re mindful of this, we can act in a way that minimizes negative consequences and maximizes the positive.

This application in business should be rather obvious: there is no decision too small. Every time you interact with employees or customers, or every time you make a decision, you are having an impact on the success of your business.

If you blow off a customer meeting, he or she may forgive you, but your reputation will suffer, and this is something that can hurt you down the line.

These social interactions also play out in how you treat coworkers and employees. Reacting too harshly as a leader or micromanaging as a manager, or being insensitive when someone comes to you with a concern, might not seem like a big deal at the moment, but it will impact how people perceive you. And the impact of this will be felt later on, especially if these types of interactions repeat themselves.

Understanding the true impact of your actions with a mindful approach will help you make smarter decisions and also improve the workplace dynamic in your company, both of which will make you more successful.


Mindfulness Practice in Business #2:  Learn to Calmly Detach and Self-Regulate

Another core principle of mindfulness is detachment. When we meditate or sit mindfully, the quiet time gives us the chance to observe our thoughts and feelings. We can see better how we view our interactions as a whole. But perhaps more importantly, we spot unhelpful emotions to guide us to effective action for the better. We can convert emotions as raw materials into helpful interactions with the results we desire to build relationships in the workplace.

Carpenters at work with mindful encouragementOne of the worst things you can do for your business is to act rashly. That's why emotional regulation is critical. If something happens, positive or negative, you need to be mindful of how you react.

For example, let’s say you lose a big client. Your initial thoughts and emotions will likely be anger or worry. This reaction may cause you to try to learn why you lost that client, and then to seek to make a commitment to better control yourself next time.

It’s completely normal to feel the sting of such an event. But if you immediately engage in further angry emotions, the consequences may come back to bite you.

Example of Low Emotional Intelligence

What if you find out the client had an argument with one of your sales reps, and in anger you yell at and fire the rep? Then, later on, you may find out the client had done something inappropriate, and that your employee felt justified to act the way they did. Now, you’ve lost a good employee, and you could have also hurt the confidence other employees and clients have in you.

Through mindfulness, we can learn to be more aware of ourselves and our emotions. We begin to recognize when unwanted thoughts or emotions are controlling our actions, and this self-awareness allows us to take a step back and make sure what we’re doing is really the best thing. The positive impact this can have on your business is enormous, and it’s something worth applying whenever you can.

For an in-depth look at ways to increase mindfulness and emotional intelligence in the workplace, check out our article: "27 Best Ways to Raise Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace."

Mindfulness in Business #3:  Reduce Stress by Being Mindful

Stress is one of the major health concerns of our time. With increasingly demanding personal and professional lives, it’s easy to get stressed out. Sometimes, when we’re stressed, we feel more productive. A looming deadline can be a great way to kick things into high gear.

But not all types of stress are created equal. Too much stress decreases productivity and causes you to tire out more quickly. The effects of this stress can be felt in all aspects of your life, from your job to your relationships.

Finding out ways to reduce the levels of stress in your life and in your job will make your business more successful. And mindfulness has been proven to be an effective way to reduce stress.

This stress reduction is linked to many of the things we’ve been talking about. Mindfulness helps us to put things into perspective, and it also helps us take a step back and allow things to happen without always engaging in our thoughts and emotions. Practicing mindfulness and encouraging employees to do the same is a great way to reduce stress in the workplace and make your business better.

Try Introducing Mindfulness into Your Business

Mindfulness is a theory and a concept, but it’s also a practical way to live your life. And it can be a useful tool for helping you run your business. It asks you to consider the impact of your actions, learn to detach from thoughts and emotions, and also to remove stress from your life. All of this combines into a solid approach for helping to make your business better.


In today's world, staying calm and centered is challenged daily. Learning how to respond instead of react is crucial in building healthy business relationships, strong teams and leadership, as well as, a thriving company.

Mindfulness is a way of life.

It isn't some guru sitting on the top of a mountain; being mindful is a daily practice that can transform you and your business. It's worth the effort!

And to find out more about transforming your organizational culture or increasing mindfulness and emotional intelligence in your teams and leaders, visit Heartmanity for Business or contact us at support@heartmanity.com.

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Guest Blogger: Raj JanaGuest Blogger: Raj Jana
Raj Jana is the founder of JavaPresse, a specialty eCommerce business. He founded his business around the concept of gratitude and mindfulness, and he enjoys writing about his experiences to show others how these ideas do not need to be separate from the ways we make our living.

Posted in Business and Leadership, Brain Fitness, Mindfulness and Perspective

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