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Win Back Respect from Your Grown Children with these 5 Parenting Tips

Parents today face a unique challenge: navigating long distances from their adult children, sometimes fragmented, grown-children relationships. What a shock when disrespect is hurled our way, and we thought we raised our children to be respectful, empathetic adults. It can be challenging—even disheartening—when they don’t show us respect. Although you might want to dodge the hard truth that your relationship needs to change, there’s no escaping that they are no longerchildren!

The interactions between your grown child and yourself might be difficult right now, but here are helpful [...]

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting

Children and Their Bedrooms: Where Children Sleep

If you're like most parents, your child's bedroom is the one place where a lot of thought has gone into the placement, size, timing and even the decor. Who would have guessed that so many questions arise for our children's private space: Do children need their own bedroom? And at what age is it the best for siblings to separate? How much say-so should children and teens have when it comes to privacy, cleanliness, and creating a space they love?

Estimated reading and viewing time: 3 minutes

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting

The Mental, Emotional, and Social Health Benefits of Playtime with Your Kids

Watching your kids play is a delight no matter what the age of your children. However, it is also an excellent way to understand their inner life and how their imagination works. Play is natural for little ones, and it’s how they learn about the world around them. But you can go one step further—join in the fun and reap the benefits.

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting

Conscious Parenting: How to Honor Your Child's Inner Guide While Disciplining

In today's modern world, children's senses are over-stimulated daily with movies, video games, animated TV shows, and the onslaught of social media, smartphones, and more recently, virtual reality. A global society with a 24-7 internet provides instant answers to our children and teens independent of their parents or family values.

These cultural trends and social conditioning train our children to look outside themselves for answers, validation, excitement, entertainment, and happiness. Do you see the rub?!

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting

How to Teach Self-Control and Respect to Children

Imagine that you're at a grocery store, and your 5-year-old daughter spots candy, eyeing exactly the kind she wants. She begs you to buy it for her, but you calmly and firmly say no. She bursts into tears while kicking and screaming in the cart. Frustrated (and maybe a little embarrassed), you think, "Why can't she just accept my answer, just once! No self-control!"

How do we teach our children respect for our decisions and how to control their emotions? And what is the definition of self-control?

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting

Frustrated with Dependent Adult Children? 5 Ways to Ignite Resilience and Financial Stability

It is a growing trend today that more and more adult children live with their parents instead of leading independent lives. In 2020, a record number of adult children returned home to live with their parents. Of course, it was understandable, given the circumstances of the pandemic and the unprecedented job losses and business closures. However, jobs are plentiful now, and yet Pew Research Center reports that in July of 2022, half of adults ages 18-29 lived with one or both of their parents.

Given this trend, what parental support is helpful, and what stifles independence, resiliency, and [...]

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting, Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

Keep the Holidays Stress-Free and Happy: Practice Meaningful Mindfulness

The holidays can be a trying time, even if you love all the celebrations and socializing that accompany them. This year (and every year afterward), it’s a good idea to shift gears mentally and focus inwardly on reducing stress and being happy.

This shift is where mindfulness comes in.

Estimated reading time: 4.5 minutes

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting

Creative, Kid-Friendly Holiday Decorating Ideas

Kids love to contribute to the holiday decorating process, and it’s even more fun and meaningful if their involvement is about creating, not just hanging store-bought ornaments throughout your living spaces.

There are lots of engaging projects to try with your children during the festive season, so why not plan a crafting session with a few of the following ideas so that this Christmas is extra-special?

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting

How Pets Improve Children's Mental Health, Emotional Regulation, and Development

Watching children grow and develop is as rewarding as it is fascinating. Children are like little sponges, soaking up information and discovering all they can learn about their environment.

Within a family, parents, siblings, and grandparents all play a significant role and greatly impact a child’s emotional development. However, they are not the only influence on children at home. Growing up with a pet can positively impact early childhood development and help establish healthy emotional regulation and mental health in children.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting, Emotional Intelligence & Fitness

I Feel Like a Bad Mom! 3 Skills to Encourage and Raise Your Confidence

Parenting is hard work. But when we're critical of ourselves and have a lot of negative self-talk, it can become downright discouraging. Maybe, you're even feeling burned out as a parent. In that parenting exhaustion, have you ever thought to yourself, "I'm really a bad mom!"?

With this full-time, never-let-up job, it's easy to slip into feeling overwhelmed. Many of today's parents live thousands of miles away from grandparents and extended family, which was a major support in earlier times. So how do you parent consciously, keep a work-life balance, and create a fun-loving, happy family, [...]

Posted in Perfectly Imperfect Parenting

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