Heartmanity Blog

Transform Your Life with These Life-Changing EQ Tools

Written by Jennifer A. Williams / Emotional Intelligence Coach | Dec 29, 2022 8:45:21 PM

Did you consciously choose your habits? Do you feel stuck or in a rut with bad habits? A simple way to shift our lives for the better is through emotional intelligence.

Habits are one of the most vital things to be mindful of and intentional with. They have tremendous power—for better or worse! Each tiny (and not-so-small) habit in your life adds up to the quality of your life. And how you think and feel each day is directly responsible for new beginnings and transforming the old into the new.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

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Table of Contents

3 Emotional Intelligence Tools that Are Simple Yet Powerful
EQ Tool #1: Use Visualization and Mind Movies
EQ Tool #2: Set Positive Intentions Daily
EQ Tool #3: Practice Gratitude

Below are some simple yet powerful tools to help you accomplish your goals and create a life you love!

Don’t let their simplicity fool you!

Just like most things in life, the energy and focus we put into a practice make the difference. Nothing works unless we work it!

And when you create healthy habits such as these, your life will improve dramatically!

Deep dive: "Why Creating an Online Vision Board Will Help Manifest Your Dreams!"

3 EQ Tools that Are Simple Yet Powerful

Our first tool is vastly underutilized and rarely applied consistently. Yet, this tool can catapult you closer to any goal or dream. One of the little known facts is that the unconscious brain cannot tell the difference between real and imagined—use that fact to create a life you love

EQ TOOL #1: Use Visualization and Mind Movies

Visualization can help you tap into your subconscious and make meaningful changes at the deepest level of your being. By visualizing your goals and envisioning yourself achieving them, you can create a sense of purpose that will keep you motivated throughout the year ahead.

Mind movies are a great way to cultivate positive thinking and stay focused on your goals when practicing visualization. Set aside time each day to reflect on your future with elevated emotions as if you've already achieved that reality. Mind Movies are powerful because they seed the unconscious with a new reality. It’s also an easy and fun way to stay inspired and on track with your goals!

TOOL #2:  Set Positive Intentions Daily

You engage the conscious mind by setting a positive intention and utilizing focused attention. The frontal cortex loves a focus. Do you remember when you were in the market for a new car and had decided on the make, model, and perhaps even the color you wanted to purchase? Then, suddenly, you started seeing them all over town! Isn’t it strange how you never noticed them before? That’s the power of attention.

Now, you can use this practice deliberately and watch how quickly things shift and change.

Examples of positive intentions:

  • Today I will be grateful for all the good in my life.
  • My intense focus and attention to detail at work increase my productivity by 300%, earning me a promotion.
  • I am patient and loving with my children, even when stressed.
  • I move through my day mindfully, responding authentically with everyone I interact with.
  • Today and every day, I live my value of kindness* in everything I think, say, and do. (*fill in your own value)
  • I am true to myself and listen to my intuition daily.

Related reading: "How to Shift Your Mind to a Positive Perspective! Why Priming Blinds Us."

TOOL #3:  Practice Gratitude Daily

Brain science backs gratitude. Studies show that taking time for relaxation while focusing on gratitude leads to healthier brain patterns, a greater sense of well-being, and an increased ability to make positive changes in your life. By setting aside time each day to be grateful for what you have, the people in your life, and all you've accomplished, you can create a positive momentum that will carry you through the year ahead.

So, if you're ready to finally create the life of your dreams, then it's time to harness the power of positive thinking, gratitude, and finely-tuned and targeted action! With these simple tools at your fingertips, you can accomplish your goals and take charge of your life!

If you commit to these simple practices, I know that you will begin to transform your life in tangible ways.

What are you waiting for? Try one on for size to support your goals and create a game plan for success.

Related topic: "How to Break Bad Habits by Rewiring Your Brain."

And if you’d like support in wrestling with bad habits or to gain emotional intelligence skills to assist your life transformation, contact us at support@heartmanity.com.

If you’re ready to leap into change, get our emotional intelligence course that will lead you step by step to greater emotional fitness!