Heartmanity Blog

Healthy Use of Technology—How to Find a Balance in Families

Written by Jennifer A. Williams / Heartmanity Founder | Jul 7, 2021 6:45:00 PM

In today's fast-paced world, an endless parade of technology and entertainment choices compete for family closeness. Do you ever find it challenging to break away from your smartphone or computer and make time for true connection in your relationships? Do you spend more time with your computer than your spouse? Does your teen seem more interested in his X-box than family time?

Technology's impact on families is substantial. Learn some tips to keep the Techno-Love Balance. 

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Imagine this scenario:
A man wakes up and turns on his iPad to check the latest news before work. He checks his email and Facebook before heading out the door for his morning commute. In the car, he tunes into Spotify, listening to a podcast or his favorite band while making a couple of phone calls before he's on the clock. At work, he sits in front of his computer for most of the day, and for the remainder, he's on his phone with clients. Music on the way home, maybe the family watches a Netflix movie together in the evening. Settling into bed with his Kindle, he reads on a screen until he falls asleep.

How to Create Connection and Work-Life Balance

Maybe you're more disciplined in your life around technology. However, as you can see, there's not much time or opportunity in the above lifestyle for real connection is there? Not much time for meaningful conversation with your partner and children. And this scenario isn't that far off from what many of us face every day—even 2023 statistics report that our teens spend over 7 hours daily on screens! What's too much? When is screen time an addiction?

To create and sustain a happy and meaningful life with thriving relationships, we need to be intentional in balancing the technological world with our relationships. Placing a high value on meaningful connections with our loved ones is crucial, especially when we're pulled by our Facebook feed or the latest Google search. Social media and technology such as smartphones are not going away any time soon so we must learn to integrate them into our lives without compromising the quality of our relationships.

Related reading:  "Managing Kids' Screen Time and Building a Healthy Kid-Parent Relationship."

Finding a work-life-tech balance and carving time with our family isn't always easy, but it's possible with intentionality. Setting intentions daily to design our day according to our values is one helpful practice.

Being deliberate about our screen time rather than automatically gravitating toward technology to fill our time will assist in achieving a balance. And it doesn't mean we have to eliminate technology from our lives, because it's not only fun and entertaining but also useful and necessary. With intentionality, mindfulness, and conscious awareness, we can find ways to balance the enjoyment of technology with making our important relationships a priority.

Family empowerment is about strengthening the connections that keep our relationships healthy and thriving.

Related reading:  "How to Handle Distracting Technology at Home"

Try these techno-love balance tips to strengthen your connections with those you love:

Play good-old fashioned board games weekly.
If your children play video games frequently, make sure that at least one night a week you play cards or board games or go for a walk together instead. And occasionally play a video game with them, too. You'll be surprised at how much fun you can all have—and you'll have time to actually talk, too!

Make movie night special.
If you're going to stream a movie or watch a DVD with your partner, choose one together that you're both excited to see, and make it special: popcorn, dim lights, snuggling, the works.

Use technology to create closeness rather than separation.
Instead of each family member spending time on their own devices in separate rooms, bring everyone together to play a video game or watch a movie that all family members can enjoy and rotate the person who picks the movie. Or watch old family movies and see how much everyone has changed. Some are really funny!

Use your phone to capture a picture of a special moment together or something memorable.
Using technology for capturing our time together shouldn't dominate but is vital for creating and recording your memories-in-the-making. Share pictures by posting them on Snapchat or emailing pictures to a family member. Or better yet, create a family scrapbook to have on the living room table.


Turn off your cell phone during dinner.
Make it a house rule to never answer the phone during this valuable time for connection.

Shut down all technology one evening weekly,
(cell phone, computer, television, Xbox—everything!) and take that time to relax together uninterrupted.

Be conscious of limiting the time on tech in the evening.
If it's necessary to check your email or social media sites in the evening while your partner or family is around, let them know you'll shut it down in a few minutes to be with them.  Then do it!

How do you manage technology so that you have a good balance in your life and have regular, quality time with those you love? Take a look at this area of your family life and see if you need a major overhaul or just some fine-tuning in the Techno-Love Balance. You'll be glad you did!

Related reading: "Teens and Screens: Does Your Child Have a Screen Addiction?"

For a personalized plan from a seasoned parent coach, reach out to Heartmanity. A set of new skills and a fresh perspective can help you go from only surviving to thriving in your relationship and family!